Demand for Private Pools With Continue to Grow Says Analyst

As we all adjust to living in the new normal of our world post-coronavirus outbreak, it seems backyard swimming pools only growing in popularity. Or, as William Blair & Co. analyst Ryan Merkel puts it, “people [are] spending more time at home and choosing to invest in outdoor living.” And it makes sense. Since we’re stuck inside more than ever now, we look wherever we can to find an escape—something backyard pools have always been great at providing.

Merkel’s findings are largely based around the growth of pool supply and equipment distributor, POOLCORP. In 2020, the company is trading at its highest level ever since going public in 1995, but Merkel thinks the growth will continue. Due to public wariness of gathering at public pools and the possibility of another COVID surge in the fall, POOLCORP expects to see another 15% growth next year. Merkel predicts homeowners will begin to see the upsides of pool ownership saying, “There could be a long tail to this demand as the stay-at-home theme could last multiple years and awareness of the benefits of pool ownership should rise.”

So, what do you think? Are you feeling any hesitancy about visiting public pools as Merkel suggests? If you don’t own a pool, does it sound more appealing than it may have in the past? Of course, we have always highlighted the advantages of owning a pool, but we’re now seeing it makes sense for more people than ever. Everyone should have a space where they can relax. And, because of our current reality, it seems more and more people are choosing to build that place right outside their backdoor.

If you are interested in seeing what it would look like to build a backyard getaway for you and your family, we would love to help. Contact us here to schedule a free estimate for your next project and see what we can do for you!


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